“There is a fountain inside of you. Don’t walk around with an empty bucket.” ~ Rumi
“The shlokas run like this: “After going to the urinal, one should collect one's midstream urine in a clean vessel. One should take 1 to 2 tola of urine on a fasting stomach for the duration of one mandal (circa 42 days). The regimen of pathya diet and healthy life style has to be followed”. [1] Shivambu is the practice of using one’s own expelled urine for reapplication into or on the body. ‘Ambu’ means water, so ‘Shivambu” literally means “Water of Shiva” which refers to the auspiciousness of the practice. As for Amaroli, ‘Amara’ in Sanskrit means immortal. Its “method of drinking urine for rejuvenation” is outlined in the Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi, part of a 5000-year-old document called the Damar Tantra, linking this practice back to the Vedas, the sacred Hindu texts, and to the practice of Tantra. Urine Therapy is found in the ancient writings of the Damar Tantra and contains detailed descriptions of the therapeutic utilization of Shivambu. There are 107 Shlokas or verses in the meter called “Anushtup Chhandas”. It is asserted in the Damar Tantra that all diseases can be cured by Shivambu (one’s own urine), and all mankind can retain health and strength through the regular use of Shivambu. [2] However, Shivambu is first and foremost a spiritual practice. Ancient Tantrics used it to unleash the feminine Kundalini Shakti at the base of the spine through the Sushuma (the spinal column) to join her male principle Shiva at the top of the spine. When awakened, it liberates a lot of energy that leads to the expansion of consciousness and leads to Mukti, or liberation from the bondage of pain and suffering. [3] “Child starts growing in the mother womb. The fetus of the unborn child of the pregnant women is surrounded by amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is essential for the growth of the baby which contains fetal urine. Amniotic fluid and fetal urine is continually being “inhaled” “exhaled”, by the baby. Unborn child floats, breaths, swallows amniotic fluid & fetal urine in the mother’s womb. Urine is completely harmless which protects and promotes muscular/skeletal development of the baby to grow in a normal manner and helps to give life to a child. Urine which protects the developing child to grow in the mother’s womb and give life to a child has natural powers to prevent, control and cure all diseases.” [2] Many people have preconceived notions that urine is dirty, can carry diseases, or is even poisonous, because it is seen as a waste material by the body; but in reality, it is sterile and in fact, may even be cleaner than some water. Urine is a filtrate of one’s own blood. Ancient References Lord Shiva has himself narrated the “benefits of Urine Therapy” to mother Parvati which has been referred in the ancient book “Damar Tantra” in Vedas. In ancient books and Vedas, urine is referred as “Shivambu” (auto urine) meaning water of Shiva. [2] The practice for healing, known as “Self-Urine Therapy” has been referred to in “Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi” which is part of a 5000 year old document called Damar Tantra linking this practice to the Vedas, the sacred Hindu texts. Reference of Urine Therapy is also found in almost all the volumes of Ayurveda and in one of the volumes Bhavprakasha urine is termed as “Vishaghna” killer of all poisons and “Rasayana” which can rejuvenate even old person and “Raktapamaharam” which purifies blood and cures all skin diseases. [2] In Tantrik yoga culture this practice is termed as “Amroli.” Amroli comes from the root word “Amar.” They termed “Shivambu” as holy liquid. Shlokas 41 and 42 of “vyavahaarsutra” by the learned Jain Acharya Bhadrababu also mention that one must drink one’s own urine while taking vow or undertaking the regular performance of a religious ritual. [2] The press report published on 24th October 1967 in the medical journals of San Fransisco (USA) that the normal human urine has been found to contain marvelous healing property to cure deadly disease such as cancer, tuberculosis, pulmonary and cardiac vascular diseases etc. Research physicians said at the scientific sessions of the American heart association that “an extract of human urine shows great promise for treatment of certain deadly diseases and the extract is called “Urokinase”. Pharmaceutical companies in Japan and China are extracting valuable substance called “Urokinase” out of human urine and are earning valuable foreign exchange by exporting to the other countries. The extract is useful for dissolving blood clots in heart and lung disease. Reference of “Urokinase” is found on page 1354 in the big volume written by four learned American doctors. The name of the book is “Goodman & Gilman’s the pharmacological basis of therapeutics” which is published by Macmillan publishing co. New York. [2] Ayurvedic medicine is known to prescribe small quantities of cow’s urine to gain some benefits. Cow’s urine is known as “sacred urine” but it is not advised to drink cow’s urine directly in the large quantities. However, people who accept and adopt “Urine Therapy” (drinking of their own body’s urine) may consume their own urine in large quantity and achieve maximum benefits. They have to observe that they pass and collect clear color-less urine which does not contain any smell and it tastes just like water. Urine analysis and research shows that our own urine (auto urine) and cow’s urine contain similar valuable proteins: – Creatinine, urea-n (nitrogen), urea, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, ammonia-n, chloride, n/10 acid and other vitamins and hormones which are vital importance in the maintenance of body and health. [2] 107 verses by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathi Auto-Urine Therapy (Shivambu Kalpa): The Indian version as detailed in the DAMAR TANTRA. O Parvati! I shall expound to you the recommended actions and rituals of Shivambu Kalpa that confers numerous benefits. Those well versed in the scriptures have carefully specified certain vessels for the purpose. (1) Utensils made from the following materials are recommended: Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Brass, Iron, Clay, Ivory, Glass, Wood from sacred trees, Bones, Leather and Leaves. (2, 3) The Shivambu (one’s own urine) should be collected in a utensil made of any of these materials. Among them, clay utensils are better, copper are by far the best. (4) The intending practitioner of the therapy should abjure salty or bitter foods, should not over-exert himself, should take a light meal in the evening, should sleep on the ground, and should control and master his senses. (5) The sagacious practitioner should get up when three quarters of the night have elapsed, and should pass urine while facing the east. (6) The wise one should leave out the first and the last portions of the urine, and collect only the middle portion. This is considered the best procedure. (7) Just as there is poison in the mouth and the tail of the serpent, O Parvati, it is even so in the case of the flow of Shivambu. (8) Shivambu (auto- urine) is heavenly nectar, which is capable of destroying senility and diseases. The practitioner of Yoga should take it before proceeding with his other rituals. (9) After cleansing the mouth, and performing the other essential morning functions, one should drink one’s own clear urine, which is the annihilator of senility and diseases. (10) One who drinks Shivambu for the duration of a month will be purified internally. Drinking it for two months stimulates and energizes the senses. (11) Drinking it for three months destroys all diseases and frees one from all troubles. By drinking it for five months, one acquires divine vision and freedom from all diseases. (12) Continuation of the practice for six months makes the practitioner highly intelligent and proficient in the scriptures, and if the duration is seven months, the practitioner acquires extraordinary strength. (13) If the practice is continued for eight months, one acquires a permanent glow like that of gold, and if it is continued for nine months, one is freed from tuberculosis and leprosy. (14) Ten months of this practice makes one a veritable treasury of luster. Eleven months of it would purify all the organs of the body. (15) A man who has continued the practice for a year becomes the equal of the sun in radiance. He who has continued for two years conquers the element Earth. (16) If the practice is continued for three years, one conquers the element of Water, and if it is continued for four years, the element Light is also conquered. (17) He who continues the practice for five years conquers the element Air, and he who continues it for seven years conquers pride. (18) Continuation of the practice for eight years enables one to conquer all the important elements of Nature, and continuation of it for nine years frees one from the cycle of birth and death. (19) One who has continued the practice for ten years can fly through the air without effort. One who has continued it for eleven years is able to hear the voice of his sour (inner self). (20) He who has continued the practice for twelve years will live so long as the moon and the stars last. He is not troubled by dangerous animals such as snakes, and no poisons can kill him. He cannot be consumed by fire, and can float on water just like wood. (21) O Goddess! I shall tell you now about other variants of the therapy. Please listen attentively. He who takes powdered amrita (guduchi, Tinospora Condifolia) mixed with Auto-Urine habitually for six months, is freed from all disorders, and acquires happiness. (22, 23 cont.) Powdered haritaki (harade, Terminalia Chebula) should be assiduously taken with Shivambu. This combination destroys senile degeneration and all diseases. If this practice is continued for a year, it makes one exceptionally strong. (…23, 24) One masha (about one gramme) of sulpher be taken along with Shivambu every morning. He who continues the practice for three years will live as long as the moon and the stars last. His urine and feces will whiten gold. (25) The powder of the Koshtha fruit should be mixed properly with Shivambu and taken in the prescribed manner. If this practice is continued for twelve years, one’s body will be free from the ravages of old age such as wrinkles on the skin, and whitening of the hair. One acquires the strength of a thousand elephants, and lives as long as the moon and the stars continue to exist. (26) If powdered pepper and Triphala Choorna (mixed powder of Terminalia Belavica, Terminalia Chebul and Phylonthus Embica) mixed with Shivambu are taken regularly, one acquired a radiance like that of the gods. (27) The essence (bhasma) of mica and sulpher should be taken with Shivambu along with a little water. This cures al disorders caused by malfunctioning of the digestive system and all disorders caused by the Vata humour. He who takes such a mixture regularly become strong, acquires a divine radiance, and can cheat time (escape the ravages of time). (28, 29) He who takes Shivambu daily and excluded salty, sour and bitter food from his diet acquires divine accomplishments quickly. Freed from all ailments, and possessing a body comparable to that of Shiva Himself, he disports himself like the gods in the Universe for an eternity. (30). Composition of Human Urine: A general overview and a specified summary of a number of important substances usually found in urine follow below. The substances given in the specified summary have been researched, either in relation to urine therapy or in other contexts. General Overview Inorganic substances in urine:
Hypotheses as to how and why urine therapy works [2] 1. Re-absorption and re-use of nutrients: Often most nutritive substances are obtained by body in sufficient quantities from food. By drinking or massaging the urine on skin, a number of vitamins, amino acids, salts, hormones, etc. readily available in urine are possibly re-absorbed and reused as nutrients. According to this theory, the application of urine therapy allows bile and other liver enzymes to be re-used instead of wasted. 2. Re-absorption of hormones: As stated above, many hormones end up in the urine. The basis for this hypothesis is that we can re-introduce these into the body by drinking or massaging with urine. Massaging with urine is therefore an important complementary component of urine therapy as urine is directly absorbed into the tissue. Enemas are also a good way to prevent destruction of certain hormones by gastric juices which, is why this method often helps to cure allergic disorders better. A hormone melatonin released from pineal gland is found in urine, which has a calming effect. The concentration of this hormone is found to be more in first sample of urine in early morning. 3. Re-absorption of enzymes: Urine contains many enzymes, which might explain why urine therapy is effective against arteriosclerosis, heart attack, hypertension, pulmonary embolism, etc. Based on research conducted on the enzyme Urokinase, positive results can be expected from the effects of enzymes in urine as a ‘total entity’. Urokinase found in human urine causes vasodilation and resembles nitroglycerine in its ability to strengthen the bloodstream from the coronary artery to the cardiac muscle. 4. Re-absorption of urea: Besides water, urea is the main component of urine, which is an end product of converted proteins. A person excretes approximately an average of 25 to 30 grams of urea per day. Urea has the capacity to moisten the skin and regulate its condition & texture, one of the reasons why it is processed in many skin creams. Some pharmaceutical companies use horse urine for the production of urea and they actually have lots of horses in their factory just for this purpose. 5. Immunological effect: A similar process takes place when a person is vaccinated against certain disease, in which case, a small amount of poisonous substances is injected into a healthy body. This stimulates the immune system to manufacture antibodies (and thus defend the body) and could be called a homeopathic or isopathic effect. The practice of drinking and massaging with urine allows the antibodies, greater access to the body, which stimulates the immune system. The presence of antigens and antibodies in urine strengthens the immune system when urine is re-introduced into the body. 6. Bactericidal and virucidal effect: Although it is not yet entirely clear why urine has a germicidal and antiseptic effect, it is known that urea plays an important role here. Ammonia and salt also have a similar purifying effect. Besides killing bacteria, urine also inhibits or destroys various viruses and fungi. Scientific research has demonstrated that both urea and ammonia have a powerful anti-viral effect. Applying urine to a fresh cut or scrape prevents infection and keeps files away (important in countries with a warm climate). Urine compresses from fresh or old urine help to combat infections and often cause them to disappear. Although urine does not entirely prevent the growth of bacteria in the urethra (infections often arise), it clearly has a powerful Antiseptic effect when externally applied. 7. Salt therapy: Salt solutions remove old mucous embedded in the mucous membranes. If one drinks a salt liquid, part of the salt goes into the body, where it dissolves the surplus of mucous in the lungs and in other organs. As a salt liquid, urine also has a laxative effect and is recommended to relieve constipation. As it moves through the intestinal canal, the salt detaches waste and draws water into the intestines, as a result of which bowel movement becomes easier. According to this theory, drinking urine is like drinking salt water, which accelerates metabolism. It removes a surplus of sugar from the blood and draws out toxic substances from cells. In this way, urine therapy is a good cleansing technique. 8. Diuretic effect: According to this theory, urine therapy ensures that the kidneys work more quickly and that the body is stimulated to produce more urine. Metabolic products composed of proteins such as urea, nitrogen and ammonia are excreted out of the body via the urine as soon as there is a surplus in the body. Drinking urine causes more of these substances to enter the body than normal. The body reacts to this by washing them away with water and other substances. By ingesting urine, one stimulates the body not only to excrete part of these metabolic products at an accelerated rate, but also to convert another part into useful substances. 9. Transmutation theory: The theory of transmutation implies that the body is capable, through energetic exchange within the body itself, to transmute certain substances or molecules into other ones. ‘Short circuiting‘ the system by ingesting one’s own secreted body fluids might stimulate the transmutational force within and challenge the body to transform unusable substances into usable ones without being constantly disturbed by new external input. This would specifically apply to fasting on urine. 10. Psychological effects. Ways to use Urine for Shivambu [2,4]
How to Practice Shivambu It is advisable to monitor and balance your pH, i.e. the acid/alkaline condition of your body, especially with intensive application of urine therapy & fasting. Your urine pH should ideally vary from approximately 5 (more acid) to 8 (more alkaline) during the course of a day. When there is a tendency to either over acidity (acidosis) or over alkalinity (alkalosis), your body is not functioning correctly. [4] It is advisable to follow a vegetarian diet during intensive application of urine therapy. This means that it is best for you to refrain from eating all meat and dairy products, or at least reduce this to a minimum, especially if you practice the therapy for an extended period of time. Everything you eat and drink has an effect on your body and consequently on your urine. The healthier your dietary habits are, the better your urine will taste. Urine therapy in itself does not perform miracles. Unless you provide your body with the essential nutrients, it will not possess the raw materials needed to maintain good health. If you eat healthily and consciously, your urine will contain many essential nutrients which can be reused. Even so, the body may have a deficiency of certain nutrients if they are not supplemented by a complete range of foods. In the long run, this may result in illnesses and ailments. The human body is not made to digest and absorb the many harmful additives to which we are nowadays exposed to. Chemical products and radiation added to food products have been proven to be harmful. The recommended range of foods consists of fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, seeds, nuts, bean, natural sweeteners such as honey, and a limited use of dairy products. [4] How can you overcome feelings of aversion to drinking your own golden elixir? [4]
Actual fast: In this period, exclusively drink water and urine. It is best if you do not work during the fast. Although some exertion is possible, rest and relaxation are important in order for the purifying process to take place undisturbed. In the beginning, stay with drinking the middle stream of the first morning urine flow. Contraindications Can a person drink their urine while on medications? [3] The short answer is no because of the remote possibility of overdosing on any particular medication by recycling what is discharged in urine. Hormone, vitamin and mineral supplements, on the other hand, can be taken while drinking urine as long as the intake is frequently monitored and the amounts reduced accordingly as the imbalance improves. However, the long answer is that in some cases, according to the illness and the nature of the medications, urine can be taken in homeopathic doses for some time to kick-start the internal healing process whilst slowly increasing that amount and gradually reducing the medication dosage. Testimonial Interview Video [6] (conducted by Prema Shakti) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_osDaVJFJE Reference Sources: 1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6148057/#bib18 2. https://urinetherapy.in/about-shivambu/ 3. https://www.planetayurveda.com/ayurveda-ebooks/shivambu-shastra.pdf 4. http://www.shivambu.in/water-element/urine-therapy-by/ut-by-coen-van-der-kroon/ 5. https://shivambhu.org/ 6. Interview with Pete Olschner conducted by Prema Shakti
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